Alpha Central

Data Aggregation: Inform Your Decisions with Actionable Data

Power Your Decisions with Actionable Data

Alpha Central aggregates financial information from various sources, such as your research, company data, Excel files, custodians, fund administrators, alternative data, and market data providers By processing this data in real-time, it enhances research management and helps drive informed decisions.

  • Sync fundamental, alternative, and other external data sets with portfolio assets automatically
  • Aggregate and optimize internal and external data in one dashboard
  • Compare internal estimates with consensus

Your Team’s Research Hub

Alpha Central offers a centralized research repository that equips teams with the tools to collaborate securely across locations. Shared views and streamlined workflows keep teams aligned, fostering collaboration to drive the best ideas and outcomes.

  • Centralize research for greater cooperation, efficiency, and accountability
  • Keep research fresh with automatic syncing across internal and external data sources
  • Prioritize, compare, and update the best ideas all in one place

Protect Your Best Ideas

Alpha Central lets investment managers maintain control of their ideas in a secure environment. Detailed permission tools ensure the right team members have access to preserve internal research in instances of employee turnover.

  • Store, preserve, and protect internal research in a secure platform
  • Control team member access with a detailed and easily configurable permission engine
  • Maintain visibility into the entire team’s research

Connect Your Process with the Best

From FactSet to prime broker data files to your firm’s internal research, Alpha Central’s vendor-neutral framework offers seamless integration with your preferred partners and platforms. Your firm can leverage our out-of-the-box integrations with many third-party vendors or integrate a new data source using our flexible API.

"I really see Alpha Theory as a tool that synchronizes work across our front and middle-office teams, even with remote employees. It’s become a single source of truth for us to access data streams, test ideas, track performance, and get data insights to improve.

— Long/Short Hedge Fund Head of Risk Management

Frequently Asked Questions

What external data is integrated with our firm’s portfolio data and research?

Market, alternative, and other data are available directly in Alpha Central. Technical and market data, fundamental data, consensus estimates & multiples, earnings distortion scores, factors, risk data, and more are integrated to view and manipulate external data alongside your assets.

How does my team get our research and other data into the Alpha Theory Platform?

There are several ways to make inputs to Alpha Central. Our Client Experience team can help you find which method works best for your team.  

1. Input data directly into Alpha Theory’s application
2. Use our integration with Microsoft Excel, Excel Connect, to establish a bi-directional sync between your spreadsheets and our platform
3. Use flat-file integration or an API to push data to the platform

How does Alpha Central aggregate data?

We connect with your internal systems and vendors, pull data from Excel, and also maintain direct relationships with a wide variety of market and alternative data providers, including fund administrators, custodians, prime brokers, order management and execution management systems, trading, research, and accounting platforms, and technology providers. We consolidate data from these sources and, in some cases, perform calculations to make the information more useful to our customers.

Does Alpha Central maintain a historical record?

Yes. Alpha Central becomes your historical data store. While Alpha Theory performs analytics, clients also use our historical data to perform their own analytics.