Our Story

Founded by a former hedge fund research analyst in 2006, Alpha Theory has constructed a platform that aggregates and organizes client data and combines it with external data into a central hub facilitating improved investment decision making. For nearly two decades and through several market changes, our focus has been on delivering exceptional client service. Our investment-process experts work closely with fund managers to help them refine their processes over time using a feedback loop, monthly blog posts, whitepapers, webinars, book clubs, portfolio manager roundtables, and much more. We are one team working toward the goal of helping our clients Be Better.

We invite you to learn about our history and the milestones we accomplished along the way.

May 2024

Implemented Hermes PDF Generator in our ecosystem for more robust analytics reporting.

December 2023

Initiated the migration and expansion of Alpha Theory data and technology tooling to utilize cloud services.

June 2023

Expanded the Alpha Theory/FactSet integration featuring a
five-factor risk model leveraging FactSet’s Quant Factor Library.

Dec 2022

New Website and Branding launched.

Nov 2021

The Alpha Theory/Omega Point integration (ATOP) is launched providing enhanced risk data.

Nov 2021

Alpha Theory launches an affiliated investment company. CenterBook Partners, a quantitative alpha-capture strategy, is launched in a unique partnership with 25 Alpha Theory Clients who agreed to share their data with the new company in exchange for a portion of the fees the fund generates.

Oct 2021

FactSet Fundamental Data columns are integrated into the Platform.

Feb 2019

Excel Connect is launched providing an enhanced workflow for data entry and Historical Analytics data is provided at the fund and asset level.

Sep 2018

The Price Target Builder is launched along with auto-calculation of probability-weighted return on the Asset Dashboard Scenarios Card.

May 2018

The Reporting API is released providing a JSON interface to Alpha Theory data for back-end microservices and consumption by customers and partners.

Jan 2018

The Security Master is launched to provide better support for pluggable data providers and to centralize all security and pricing data.

Nov 2017

The Asset Dashboard is launched allowing a comprehensive view of each Asset improving the user experience.

Apr 2015

The historical scenario, pricing, and research chart is launched.

Nov 2014

In response to customer demand, the Confidence Checklist is launched.

Sep 2014

Introduced a comprehensive data dictionary of all fields available on the platform.

Aug 2014

Enhancements released giving users the ability to perform custom dynamic price target calculations.

May 2014

Enhanced reporting and exporting features released.

Nov 2013

Added advanced filtering and enhanced notifications to the platform.

Sep 2013

First version of Historical Analysis is released.

Apr 2013

New functionality is added to enable users to assign benchmark tickers to sectors and calculate alpha for assets against those benchmark tickers.

Jul 2012

Several new platform features are added, including P&L view creation, custom report scheduling, and security enhancements.

Sep 2011

Integration with Google Chrome completed and auto-generated downside targets functionality added.

Feb 2010

A new Market Scenarios tab is added to the platform and additional enhancements to custom fields are released.

Sep 2009

New platform features are added including auto-calculated risk-adjusted Returns, market-based scenarios, target and probability comparisons, research management functionality, and custom views.

Nov 2008

Fund exposure risk and downside risk calculations added to the platform.

Aug 2008

API updated to automatically take position files from prime brokers and fund administrators.

June 2008

New features added providing users with the ability to set portfolio and sector exposure constraints.

Sep 2007

Initial product launched with Risk-Adjusted Return, Optimal Position Size, Trades, Notes, and filtering by User, Fund, and Status.


Alpha Theory is born