
Join the team that is redefining the Portfolio Management Process

a group of people standing in a building
a chess board with a chess piece

Our Culture

We are one team that works together to help our clients turn intuition into alpha. This requires teamwork, grit, imagination, and passion. Our founders have built a team culture of fun-loving nerds who enjoy solving Mensa Brain Teasers, playing a game of chess, or discussing an esoteric article about investing. We love getting better so we can help our clients generate greater performance by leveraging data and disciplined processes. Our clients' success is our success, and we will not rest until we see them thriving.

Our Personalities

laptop work
1 Collaborative Office
X Team Members
Average Number of Years on Team

Alpha Theory by the Numbers

Total Lines of Code Written
Number of Price Targets Entered
Total Unique Securities Covered by Alpha Theory Clients
Total Number of Analysts