Trusted Data to Help You Make High Confidence Investment Decisions
Fundamentals & Consensus Data + Factor Risk Model
Leverage FactSet’s data for 70,000+ securities in 127 countries and across more than 200 exchanges to generate unique market insights within Alpha Theory.

Risk Management & Factor Awareness Tools
Integrate risk into the entire investment process utilizing Alpha Theory’s integration with Omega Point (ATOP). Investment managers can incorporate factors into asset selection, portfolio optimization, position sizing, monitoring, reporting, and analysis, providing them with an edge over the competition.
How Alpha Theory Works
flexible data integration
Easily Integrate Data into Your Workflows
Alpha Theory’s flexible framework includes data feeds and established adapters with many prime brokers, custodians, fund administrators, and other data sources. Our platform connects disparate data sources to a single entity identifier, providing the framework necessary to integrate and manage your data. For new datasets and your firm’s internal research, our adapters seamlessly integrate your data alongside third-party data in Alpha Central to power investment decisions.
Learn how Alpha Theory's platform provides investment teams with a framework to make investment decisions that drive performance.
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