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A Letter From the CEO

Alpha Theory CEO Cameron Hight discusses the rebrand, new website launch, and the next chapter of Alpha Theory.

Today, we are taking the first step of a complete redesign of Alpha Theory and releasing our new logo, modernized brand, and website.  

Over the coming months and years, we will modernize Alpha Theory by introducing new technologies to bring our clients a fast, mobile, comprehensive, state-of-the-art platform that maintains the aspects clients love about Alpha Theory. We will expand the platform to incorporate more of the investment process, so clients aren’t switching from application to application, uniting a firm’s multiple data sources into one.

As always, our products will be supported by our amazing investment process and data science teams. And just like our investment in the application, we will be expanding the resources, analytical tools, and breadth of coverage of these teams. For almost two decades, our team has built partnerships that go beyond the purview of Alpha Theory’s software. We plan to continue and expand the range of ways we benefit our partners.

These are ambitious goals made possible by the resources and world-class expertise provided by our ownership of CenterBook Partners. CenterBook is a quantitative hedge fund built in partnership with a select group of Alpha Theory clients. Much of the profits created by the fund will be reinvested into the product, which gives Alpha Theory a resource advantage that few software firms in our industry possess. In addition to financial resources, there are invaluable intellectual resources and growth opportunities. CenterBook spends its days researching where process-oriented fundamental managers make and lose money.  

Alpha Theory was launched 17 years ago to improve the way fundamental managers invest. When we launched the product, we had no data to support our claims that Alpha Theory was a better way to manage a portfolio. We then built a dataset that proved that the theoretical Alpha Theory portfolio is a better way, by 4% per year. The final proof is a live strategy, CenterBook Partners. With the live-proof evidence, those that are part of the Alpha Theory ecosystem will be at the vanguard of a new breed of fundamental investing. One that combines the best of humans and computers to create a superior return stream for LPs. A return stream that shines when compared to passive strategies and turns the tide on asset flows leaving active investors.

We are excited about the next chapter of Alpha Theory and invite you to be part of it.