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New Brand Identity and Website Reflecting the Company's Transformation

Alpha Theory, a leading portfolio management and decision-processing platform for the alternative investment industry, unveiled a new brand and website

CHARLOTTE, NC, January 11, 2023: Alpha Theory, a leading portfolio management and decision-processing platform for the alternative investment industry, unveiled a new brand and website, including a modernized identity reflecting the company's transformation of culture and evolution of the platform. Alpha Theory's new look and feel represents a commitment to innovation and the company's mission of instilling discipline into investment decision-making which leads to better position sizes, and more importantly, better returns.

The brand unveiling and website launch are the first of many transformations at Alpha Theory. The firm is embracing new technologies to bring fundamental investment managers a fast, mobile, state-of-the-art platform that maintains the aspects clients love about Alpha Theory today. The firm is expanding the platform to incorporate more of the investment process so that managers gain a holistic view of their data holdings and alpha-generating opportunities.

"Alpha Theory was launched 15 years ago to improve the way fundamental managers invest," shared Cameron Hight, CEO. "When we launched the product, we had no data to support our claims that Alpha Theory was a better way to manage a portfolio. We built a dataset that proved that the theoretical Alpha Theory portfolio is a better way, by about 4% per year. The final proof is a live strategy, CenterBook Partners, a quantitative hedge fund built in partnership with a select group of Alpha Theory clients. With the live-proof evidence, those that are part of the Alpha Theory Ecosystem will be at the vanguard of new fundamental investing—one that combines the best of humans and computers to create a superior return stream for LPs.”

Initial elements of Alpha Theory's brand evolution include:

New Logo: As a prominent representation of the company, people, and brand, the new logo is optimistic, smart, and results driven. Inspired by the Greek symbol for alpha, the letter represents various mathematics, statistics, and process concepts and signifies the insights revealed by Alpha Theory’s state-of-the-art platform and team of experts.

New Brand Colors: The multitude of fresh colors nods to the investment management industry and speaks to Alpha Theory's mission to partner with fund managers, instilling discipline into investment decision-making that results in better returns. The blue and grey represent the strength and stability of the financial industry as well as trust. The yellow portrays innovation and forward-thinking, helping fund managers Be Better with modern, process improvement technology. 

New Brand Purpose Statement: Be Better.

About Alpha Theory

Alpha Theory is a leading portfolio management and decision process improvement platform for global investment managers. It gives portfolio managers a framework to leverage their instinct and research to build a repeatable system for efficiently sizing positions in real-time to generate more alpha consistently. Alpha Theory clients work hand-in-hand with an experienced team of process improvement experts and have access to specialized data scientists who provide data-driven insights to optimize performance. Learn more about Alpha Theory at www.alphatheory.com.